chris jorden says society is being subjected to mind control and compares this to what film?

Biden Plays CRT Race Carte du jour With Supreme Court

Will Biden Further Politicize the Supreme Court?
Confirmed: Chinese 'Anal Swab' COVID Testing of U.S. Personnel
Another Secret Mail service Program Spies on Citizens by Hacking Cell Phones
Fourth dimension to End Reverse Discrimination in College Admissions
"Increased Immigration Flows" Crusade Record-Breaking Court Excess

Will Biden Farther Politicize the Supreme Court?

Justice Stephen Breyer'south surprise retirement from the Supreme Court seems to have been the consequence of an unprecedented leftist pressure campaign to strength him out earlier this twelvemonth'southward election. Yous can be certain these same radical leftists, who likewise desire to pack the Supreme Court, will require Biden to pick a judicial extremist to supersede Justice Breyer. Let me exist clear: the Left volition use this opportunity to farther undermine the integrity of the Supreme Court and the rule of law.

Disturbingly, President Biden seems to have confirmed that he will refuse to consider potential nominees simply considering of their race and sex. The Senate must not simply reject Biden's invidious discrimination simply must also ensure no nominee moves forward who wants to further politicize the Supreme Courtroom by legislating from the bench.

I encourage you to share your views on these issues with your Senators every step of the way over the next few months. You lot tin can attain them at 202-224-3121.

Confirmed: Chinese 'Anal Swab' COVID Testing of U.Southward. Personnel

People's republic of china has reportedly resumed its practise of using anal swabs to test for COVID just two weeks before the Olympics begin.

Nosotros've been following this effect closely, and through two lawsuits we've uncovered the details of our diplomats in People's republic of china being subjected to this intrusive procedure.

In the latest development, we received 11 pages of records from the State Department revealing that U.S. diplomatic officials in Communist china objected to being asked to submit to anal swab COVID testing by the Chinese authorities. The redacted documents show that at least one U.S. employee was given an anal swab test for COVID "at his flat."

We obtained the records in response to our FOIA lawsuit for non-identifying records of U.S. diplomatic personnel being subjected to invasive COVID-nineteen anal swab tests by the Chinese government (Judicial Watch v U.S. Dept of State (No. 1:21-cv-02111)). Nosotros sued after the State Department failed to respond to a June eighteen, 2021, Liberty of Information Deed (FOIA) request for:

All records near United states of america diplomatic personnel in or seeking to enter China being subjected to anal swab tests for the COVID-19 virus, including all complaints and communications regarding such testing. This request does not seek any personal identifying data of United states of america diplomatic personnel that may have been subjected to such testing.

Here's what nosotros learned.

On January 22, 2021, a redacted general services officer from the U.South. Consulate General in Shenyang sent an email with the subject field "New Testing Method?":

Then, a colleague from [redacted] telling our group [redacted] that he was given an anal COVID swab at his apartment. Only a heads upwards, as I am certain it is going to blow upwardly shortly… if you lot aren't already dealing with information technology. Employee's proper name is [redacted]. Just getting alee earlier the give-and-take of mouth starts spreading.

A redacted official responds:

In what urban center did this occur? And what number examination? And did he say if they gave any notice beforehand the examination would be conducted in this fashion? And was he presented with options.

A redacted official responds:


-He is in his apartment as part of the +7 (from my understanding)

-No discover or options equally I can tell

-He had to do both a nose and anal swab

Also on Jan 22, 2021, a management officer in the U.South. Consulate in Shenyang, whose proper name is redacted, sent an electronic mail with the subject "RE: No Anal swabs for diplomats."

FAO [foreign area part] is telling the Diplomatic mission that information technology was a mistake to ask for anal swabs and that it didn't apply to diplomats. TBD how [redacted] will play information technology, but for now we'll accept to tell people they don't accept to do information technology. Reportedly you do information technology yourself in private and so non equally bad as I envisioned.

In a January 26, 2021, email regarding the anal COVID tests, a redacted U.Due south. official writes:

I hope the GSO [general services office] and VIP Beijing visits can do something almost this.

In a Jan 27, 2021, e-mail labeled with the subject line "COVID Test 21ST DAY Hedeliza and Efren Balisi," marked "Importance: High," a redacted U.S. official writes:

Squad – FYI, [redacted] beingness asked for anal swab and environmental examination. Can Housing contact [redacted]. I'll accept VIP contact FAO ASAP.

A redacted official writes on January 27, 2021:

I have asked [redacted] to contact [redacted] immediately regarding the anal swab and environmental testing. He is calling them now.

A redacted official on Jan 27, 2021, responds:

Delight contact the [redacted]. [Redacted] turned off the anal swab, and indicated that nosotros are fine with and oral or nasal swab. He also turned off the inside the apartment environmental testing every bit I protested both of those items.

On May 5, 2021, a redacted official writes to [email protected] with the bailiwick line "Beijing PCS Arrival and Quarantine Questions:"

How-do-you-do. [Redacted] I'grand planning to go far in country in early August. What do nosotros need to exist aware of for planning purposes? Are we able to fly into Beijing direct? Someone mentioned that we take to fly into another city. Nosotros currently take reservations for Beijing, so we wanted to check before having the tickets issued.

We've been hearing a lot of horror stories about the quarantine in Red china. Unfortunately, the monthly newcomers call [redacted] land the calls aren't recorded, so we can't even hear the answers to others questions via a recording of the calls. So I hope you don't mind u.s. asking our questions to yous directly. Nosotros've had some conversations with the CLO and their office referred us to you for more specifics.

Nosotros have been talking with a number of [redacted] in China or those that recently left. Nosotros've heard a lot of horror stories about the quarantine upon arrival. We've heard about older children existence dissever from families during the quarantine, anal swab testing and real violations of diplomatic norms. Others have reported they were crammed in rooms with inadequate bedding- i.e. ii twin beds for a family unit of four- and sub-par weather bordering on detention centre level living. It seems like diplomats and their families are non being treated according to acceptable norms. The escalation of the Prc'due south violations of diplomatic protections seems particularly concerning….

A redacted official responds:

Please note that Chinese travel, COVID testing, quarantine, and other regulations are tightly controlled past the PRC and there is little flexibility in the procedure. The U.Southward. Diplomatic mission Beijing and China Desk in Washington have continually been engaged with our Chinese counterparts in all facets of the process. The VIP and Travel teams here at the embassy continually monitor the regulations and provide the best guidance to our travelers possible while supporting a large volume of diplomatic personnel and their families every bit they navigate the process. I've attached our Beijing travel handbook for general reference.

The post-obit talking points are designed to try to address your questions below:

  • We have successfully brought back 140 diplomatic staff and families to Beijing on commercial air travel since October 2020 with many more than in the pipeline. Over 1,200 people returned to Mission Red china after evacuation in 2020 among uncertain circumstances. I can't directly respond to the "horror stories" you lot are referring to, merely would encourage yous to take social media posts and information from non-official channels with a grain of salt. We accept had many families successfully navigate the testing and quarantine procedures with prophylactic travel to Beijing….


  • The quarantine hotel policies in China are strict and not flexible: under the current regulations, unfortunately, children ages 14 and up will need to quarantine in a separate hotel room for the initial14 days of quarantine in Shanghai. Upon concluding arrival in Beijing, the goal is for the family unit to exercise the 3rd week of quarantine together in your diplomatic residence. If you accept medical concerns nigh this process or take special family unit needs, I highly encourage you lot to contact the Beijing Wellness Unit for guidance and consultation.
  • For children under 14, each kid tin share a room with a parent in likely a double or queen-sized bed at the [redacted] I am unfamiliar with the twin bed concerns and we have not seen that with the hotels in Shanghai or Beijing.


  • While in quarantine, most travelers don't have a need to contact the Embassy directly other than to schedule the onward travel from Shanghai. That said, if in that location is a medical or other emergency, the U.South. Consulate Shanghai is well aware of travelers in quarantine and able to assist should a crisis arise.
  • There are no ways for U.S. government or any non-PRC CDC or Customs personnel to have contact with y'all at the airport or hotel. Until you have completed the testing and quarantine regimen, regrettably in that location are no means for interpersonal interaction with USG representatives. Both the airport and hotel have successfully brought in thousands of departer personnel in the pandemic era and the processes are well known by all parties and relatively smooth.
  • Anal swabs and "environmental testing" within USG residences are not permitted for diplomatic staff. This acknowledgement of diplomatic rights has been confirmed repeatedly past MFA and FAO. If there is an attempt to carry such a test, the traveler is fully within their rights to refuse testing and contact the Diplomatic mission.

I understand some of these answers may not be what you lot were hoping for, merely I wanted to provide straight, honest guidance based on the PRC policies and situation here. If you have continued concerns, I highly recommend discussing with your gaining office management and/or advisable personnel in Washington.

Please note that the PRC travel, quarantine, hotel, and testing policies can and practise change regularly with no warning and immediate issue. The guidance higher up is designed to give you an thought of the current landscape, but this is always field of study to change every bit we've seen many times earlier. Please remain in contact with the Beijing VIP team on the latest guidance and we look frontward to welcoming you and your family to Beijing in the future.

Here'due south some more background:

In Dec 2021, we received records from the Country Section showing at as many equally two people were either asked or required to accept an anal test for COVID by the Chinese authorities. One unidentified general services officer wrote:

At that place's no good manner to enquire this, but has any health authority asked y'all or your spouse to conduct an anal swab exam? The embassy obviously does non qualify or permit this type of testing on diplomats, but others have been asked then I need to verify anybody'southward experience.


For the record, our agreement is for nasal and/or pharynx swabs merely. If you are asked to undergo either of the higher up or whatever other that seems inappropriate, delight refuse and contact us immediately. We will escalate to [China'southward] MFA/FAO [foreign area officer] and get from there.

On January 27, a Country Department official sends an email with the subject line "COVID Exam 21ST 24-hour interval":

At this indicate, if they will insist [upon] the anal test, we would like to just go back to u.s.a..

Some other annotate in the email chain reads:

Team – FYI. [Redacted] being asked for anal swab and environmental test. Can Housing contact [redacted]? I'll accept VIP contact FAO ASAP.

These latest documents confirm the abuse of U.S. diplomatic personnel by the Chinese government. The Biden assistants doesn't seem to have done much virtually this abusive anal swab testing and other abuses other than pretend it didn't happen and cover it up.

Another Clandestine Postal service Program Spies on Citizens by Hacking Prison cell Phones

Your postal "service" is out of control. Why on earth would this bureau, which, by the way, loses billions of dollars each year, be hacking jail cell phones? This is a serious constitutional issue. Our Abuse Chronicles blog explains.

Months subsequently Judicial Watch sued the U.Southward. Post (USPS) for information near a secret program that tracks and collects Americans' social media posts, more than of the agency's controversial spy mechanisms are being exposed. The newly uncovered tools are sophisticated hacking devices that tin can alienation cell phones and the USPS'southward law enforcement arm, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), has utilized them hundreds of times in the last few years, according to a news story that cites USPIS data cached in a lengthy bureau report. The questionable surveillance schemes appear to indicate that the government is weaponizing the nation's mail service to improperly spy on the citizens who fund information technology.

The social media surveillance programme was uncovered early last year by an online news outlet that revealed the USPS has been quietly tracking and collecting the social media posts of Americans, including notes well-nigh planned protests. It is known as Internet Covert Operations Program (ICOP). Analysts dig through social media sites searching for "inflammatory" postings, which are shared across government agencies. Civil liberties experts quoted in the story questioned the legal authority of the USPS to monitor social media activity and 1 asked a logical question: Why would the regime depend on the mail service to examine the internet for security reasons? "If the individuals they're monitoring are carrying out or planning criminal action that should be the purview of the FBI," said one ceremonious liberties authorization in the piece, adding "if they're just engaging in lawfully protected spoken communication, fifty-fifty if it's odious or objectionable, so monitoring them on that footing raises serious constitutional concerns."

Judicial Watch quickly launched an investigation, filing a Freedom of Information Human activity (FOIA) request with the USPS for information relating to ICOP. Equally the regime oft does with FOIA requests, it failed to run into the federally mandated deadline for providing the records and Judicial Watch was forced to file a lawsuit in early on July. Among the things Judicial Watch asks for in the federal complaint are all records from January 1, 2020, to the present identifying criteria for flagging social media posts equally "inflammatory" or otherwise worthy of further scrutiny by other government agencies. It also asks for records relating to ICOP's database of social media posts, communications betwixt USPIS and FBI or Homeland Security regarding the programme and an analysis outlining the authority of the USPIS to monitor, rail and collect Americans' social media posts. Judicial Watch will provide updates as the case evolves.

In the meantime, Judicial Watch is filing a FOIA request with the USPS for information on the devices used past the agency to hack cell phones. The news agency that exposed the alarming functioning this week discovered its existence in the USPIS'southward 2019 and 2020 annual reports. "Altogether, the records suggest that the USPIS has cracked hundreds of iPhones—generally thought to be i of the virtually secure commercial phones on the market—as well equally other devices," the article states. The hacking tools are known as Cellebrite and GrayKey and they were used by the bureau to extract previously unattainable data from seized mobile devices. In fiscal year 2020, 331 devices were processed and 242 were unlocked and/or extracted, according to information obtained from the USPIS reports. The 2020 document discloses an increase in phone slap-up from the previous year.

These hugger-mugger operations within the nation's postal service should create business concern, specially for a troubled agency that has failed miserably to fulfill its mission. The USPS has long been a breastwork of mismanagement and frivolous spending that has fleeced American taxpayers out of billions in the final few years alone. In 2021, the USPS reported a net loss of $4.9 billion and in 2020 a net loss of $9.two billion. One federal audit slammed the USPS for blowing the opportunity to save most $22 million had it bothered to maintain its fleet of vehicles more efficiently. A few years before that the USPS blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on professional sports tickets, booze and fancy meals while it claimed to be crippled past an $8.3 billion deficit. The items were purchased by USPS managers and employees with special accuse cards issued to U.S. government agencies. The USPS's top executives accept too been found to receive illegally loftier bacon and compensation packages that should outrage the public. Several years ago, a federal audit plant that at least three USPS officers fabricated more the legal bounty limit for their respective work category while the agency was billions in the ruby.

Fourth dimension to Finish Opposite Discrimination in College Admissions

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear challenges to race-based admissions practices at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, which we applaud.

It is time, once and for all, for the Supreme Courtroom to put an terminate to court-sanctioned racial discrimination in college admissions, both in public and private schools. The Supreme Court should recognize that its own by decisions legitimizing racial discrimination in school admissions were wrongly decided and should reverse them. Discrimination on the basis of race is condign pandemic in all areas of society and must be curtailed equally the Constitution requires. The Supreme Courtroom needs to stop this pernicious and building racialism.

In April 2021, nosotros and Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) filed an amici curiae cursory in support of Students for Fair Admissions' petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.Southward. Supreme Court, challenging a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Showtime Circuit upholding Harvard Higher'southward race-based affirmative action admissions plan (Students for Fair Admission v. President & Fellows of Harvard College (No. 20-1199)).

Just last month, nosotros filed an amici curiae brief along with AEF in a companion case, in support of SFA's petition for a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court challenging a decision of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Excursion, which upheld the race-based admissions program at the University of North Carolina (UNC) (Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina, et al. (No. 21-707)). The amici brief asked the court to no longer allow "universities to defend race-based admissions programs past relying upon schools' purported educational needs for increased diversity."

The Supreme Courtroom has at present agreed to review both decisions.

Students for Off-white Admissions argues that "the Academy's [UNC's] use of race in its undergraduate admissions process violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United states Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." SFA concludes that, "UNC'due south admissions process incorporated impermissible racial considerations violating the Equal Protection Clause."

We and AEF argue in our UNC amici brief that "race-based admissions criteria are antonymous to the 14thursday Amendment and fundamentally at odds with the Equal Protection Clause." In general, our amici brief argues, "Prior Equal Protection rulings upholding racial classifications accept not stood the test of time":

Rulings past this Court assuasive individuals to be treated differently based on race under the Equal Protection Clause take been wrongfully decided. Amici respectfully submit that 3 such cases account for some of the most famous missteps in this Court's jurisprudence. These rulings show the troubling outcomes that spring from judicially created exceptions to the Equal Protection Clause's strict prohibition against racial classifications.

To remedy this ramble failing, we called on the court to make a make clean sweep of past decisions permitting racial discrimination in college admission programs:

Race-based admissions programs for higher pedagogy have been the subject area of this Court's attending in five major cases [and in 26 separate opinions] in the last 43 years … These rulings accept generated numerous opinions, pluralities, concurrences, and dissents, many of which conflict in fundamental and significant means. These decisions achieved little consensus regarding whether race-based admissions programs can exist implemented without violating equal protection principles and have not provided a workable construct for the lower courts and school officials in reviewing and implementing race-based admissions programs …


This Court should grant Petitioner'due south writ of certiorari to reconsider whether race-based admissions programs should ever exist permitted – and not only to try (again) to adjust the strict scrutiny standard in a way that permits such programs.

These cases could be a historic turning point in the decades-long battle to stop illegal bigotry under the guise of "affirmative action" or "variety."

I'll keep you posted.

The Centrolineal Educational Foundation is a charitable and educational foundation that has partnered frequently with u.s. to fight government and judicial corruption and to promote a return to ideals and morality in the nation'southward public life.

"Increased Immigration Flows" Cause Record-Breaking Courtroom Backlog

The Biden border crisis is breaking our legal system. Our Abuse Chronicles web log has the details in this report on the breakup of the immigration court arrangement.

The Biden administration's controversial open border policies are slamming the overwhelmed U.S. Immigration Court organization, creating the largest excess of cases in history. A new report issued by Syracuse University'southward Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) reveals that the backlog is "growing faster than e'er, burying judges in an avalanche of cases." At the end of December pending cases reached a shocking 1,596,193, according to government figures obtained past TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). To put things in perspective, researchers point out that if every person with a awaiting immigration case gathered, it would surpass the population of Philadelphia, the nation's sixth-largest urban center. Migrants with open cases will look nearly five years for a courtroom conclusion determining their condition in the U.South.

While the organisation has seen backlogs under by administrations of both political parties, it has never experienced anything this dire. In fact, the TRAC study states that "a disturbing new trend has emerged during the Biden administration that demands attention: since the commencement of the Biden assistants, the growth of the backlog has been accelerating at a breakneck pace." For example, at the beginning of the George Due west. Bush assistants, the backlog stood at 149,338 and it grew "essentially" under Barack Obama. The problem "only accelerated" under Donald Trump only cypher compares to Biden. In recent months the charge per unit of backlogs in the nation'due south Immigration Courtroom system has "exploded," the TRAC report states, supporting the assessment with government data. Between October and December 2021, the quarterly growth in the number of pending Immigration Court cases shattered records.

In that short period, the backlog increased by nigh 140,000 cases, the authorities records obtained by TRAC show. "Even during the most dramatic growth in pending cases during the Trump administration, the largest iii-month increase in the backlog only one time approached 100,000 in the June-August 2019 period," the report says. The backlog fluctuated up and down in the following year until it skyrocketed in the last few months of 2021 under Biden. Researchers call it a "dramatic acceleration in the growth of the backlog." The alarming authorities figures advise that Immigration Courts "are entering a worrying new era of even more than crushing caseloads— all the more than concerning since no attempt at a solution has yet been able to reverse the avalanche of cases that Immigration Judges now face," the TRAC report states.

The COVID-19 pandemic has played a role in the crisis because it acquired a partial courtroom shutdown, only researchers institute that the key trouble is the "recent deluge of new cases filed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." Immigration enforcement has been limited dramatically under the Biden assistants, which has likewise issued a policy to allow more new immigrants into the U.S., thus the unprecedented and expanding excess. The dramatic increase in courtroom cases began around June and will inevitably go worse if the administration does not make changes. "If the current pace during the kickoff quarter of FY 2022 of newly arriving Notices to Announced (NTAs) continues, the Court volition receive 800,000 new cases – at least 300,000 more than the annual total the Court has ever received during its existence," TRAC estimates.

The U.South. Immigration Court system operates under the Department of Justice'due south (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which functions under the attorney general. At that place are 60 immigration courts throughout the nation and around 580 judges that conduct removal hearings or determine if a migrant can remain in the U.South. In its 2022 budget submission to Congress, the DOJ requests $891,190,000 for the EOIR. In the document, the bureau lists "increased clearing flows," especially family unit units, unaccompanied alien children and putative asylum seekers from Cardinal America, among the EOIR'southward biggest external challenges.

Until next week …


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