what to do when you dont hear god

Have yous e'er felt like "God. I don't know what You lot are doing. I don't know what to experience and I don't know what to do."

What To Do When You Do Not Understand What God Is Doing

I did recently. I was in a place where I didn't know why God was yet allowing certain things to happen in my life. To be completely honest, I was angry. I was angry with God but I was angrier with myself for being angry with God. Considering you run into the matter was I knew that none of what was happening was His fault.

I knew He was good. I knew He was merely. I knew He loved me. I knew that whatever was happening was considering of something that I did or didn't do that kept Him from existence able to movement me forwards and away from the situation I was in.

But I didn't sympathise conspicuously what I did and why I was fifty-fifty in information technology still. So I was confused (well non dislocated but lost) and so I was upset. I didn't know what I was doing wrong because I thought I had been doing everything right so I was entering this place where for a couple of days I just didn't desire to experience anything.

And 1 day I broke down. And after that 24-hour interval I started to experience better. God started to testify me things I had been bullheaded to. He started to bear witness me where I was incorrect and how that was stopping Him from being able to set up things.

And and so today I'm going to tell you lot what I did that day. What I did to break my semi-hardened middle. These are not things "you have to exercise" but suggestions of what you can do when God is doing something or allowing things that you don't sympathize, so that yous don't lose organized religion but open your optics and ears to what He is telling and showing you through this.

Bear It All Out In that location

That day I got in my room, closed the door, saturday on my floor, and told God exactly what I was thinking and exactly what I was feeling.

Tell Him the truth. Yep you lot accept to have reverence I mean He is God merely He wants to hear y'all. Allow it all out to Him. Who meliorate than God to tell the truth to? God is not scared of your feelings, no matter what they are!He knows what we are thinking and feeling before we even say information technology just sometimes He wants you say it, so y'all know what you are actually feeling. He wants you lot to be able to express yourself to Him, to pause downward your walls through communication so you tin hear Him speak because He will be listening.

"Then you volition call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. "

-Jeremiah 29:12-thirteen

Sing His Praises

The next day, all I did that day was play some worship music! To exist completely honest I did not desire to but I played the whole Starlight (Live) album by Bethel. And I did not sing along one time! I spent the time that the album was playing thinking about how I knew that everything in the lyrics were truthful. That God is skillful. He loves me. He is always with me and He is able. However, because of my feelings that twenty-four hours I couldn't sing without bursting into tears but I listened anyway. And this helped me considering although I wasn't singing I knew those things about God were true. This also made information technology then I couldn't fill up my mind or my mouth with complaints or lies similar God doesn't honey me or He is not with me because I was letting the truth enter my ears. And then singing His praises or hearing His praises, whether in song or by listening to the Bible, will put you in a place where you tin can't deny the truths virtually God. And I believe the more you hear those truths whether yous are in the mood or not you lot start to experience meliorate and the lies start to unravel before you.

"and you will know the truth, and the truth volition set yous gratuitous."

-John 8:32

Read the Word

Later that calendar week I was praying at nighttime to God telling Him how I withal didn't sympathize and the only thing that came to my mind was the book of James. And so I read the whole volume, in the middle of the nighttime. And the answers were all right there! I'one thousand not saying this book specifically is what you have to read only just read the Discussion. Pray and ask God what book He wants you to read. The answers are in there. He speaks to you through His Word. He gave the states the all the answers. All we take to do is open it and commencement reading.

"Inside the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the issues men face." Ronald Reagan

"Your give-and-take is a lamp to guide my anxiety and a lite for my path."

-Psalms 119:105

Keep on Having Hope

This one is the hardest but the most necessary. I'grand at this place right now where I am hoping, I am believing. Information technology can be so hard to practice but we tin't keep living life wanting God to do things and not believing that He will. We tin't be divided. Nosotros tin't pray to God and and then keep complaining about things. And we can't expect that because we do all of these things or other things that God will only do what nosotros want. We just need to believe that He will, simply overall we must trust in God's will over our will. Nosotros need to proceed our hope in Him. Because He is good, He loves us, He is always with us, and He is always there for us. And then believe!


"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

– James i:12

These are not the steps to understanding what God is doing when you don't understand, only these are suggestions to keep your heart pointed toward God. When you lot do non understand situations you are in, you need to surrender to God everything you have even if information technology'due south non a lot.

All of these suggestions involve give up. (The simply thing that I'1000 saying to do that is non a suggestion is to surrender!)

When you lot don't know what God is doing or don't understand do not put your guard upwardly. Instead, surrender to Him whether in these four ways or other ways.

Surrender your anxieties, your worries, your pride, your fears. Give it all to Him and He will be there to answer you, to evidence you, to teach you, and help you but most importantly to love you.


Source: https://biblereasons.com/what-to-do-when-you-do-not-understand-what-god-is-doing/

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